Year: 2015
Public Art Lead: Cameron Cartiere
Client: BC Hydro

In 2015, BC Hydro realized that its asset base was split in two: Many of its key installations, such as transformer sub-stations, are placed in industrial areas, but quite a few impinge on residential neighbourhoods. In the latter case, BC Hydro realized it not only had a functional obligation – to safely shield access of its installations from the public in order to prevent accidents and service disruptions – it also had a social obligation: to visually shield its equipment from the surrounding area in order to enhance the community around its installations.

Cameron Cartiere was brought in to consult with a multidisciplinary team of BC Hydro engineers and communications experts. As a result of this consultation, BC Hydro started looking at fencing in a new way. Obviously, it must serve a functional goal – safely separating important yet dangerous equipment from the public. But innovative public art can transform fencing into something more: Not just a visual barrier separating the inside from the outside, fencing can also become more expressive.